

coding style
to do

File format for export description

This file format is used by the export tool and export classes. It allows you to describe which fields need to be exported from which table, and the order of the fields and the export filename.

The file has the shape and form of a (case sensitive) .ini file.

The sections in the file indicate the tables which can be exported.

For each section you can specify the following :

  • file : name of the file in which the exported object is saved.
  • suppressHeaderLines : when "true" the header lines is not saved in the file.
  • suppressDuplicateLines : when "true" a line is only appended in the file if it was not yet present.
  • ~~number~~ : field which needs exporting, count starts from 1. Needs to be consecutive.
For the filename, you can use a field from the reference object in the filename. This is done using the ${~~fieldname~~} syntax.

For the fields, a special syntax "FieldName$expression" can be used. In that case the given fieldname if used as field name, and the FScript expression is used to calculate the field value. If the special fieldname "NOQUOTES" is used, then the result string is not processed (quoted) before exporting. This can be useful when calculating the entire export line.



[Weight] file=WG${Reference}.txt 1=Reference 2=Count 3=WeightNet 4=Sale

$Id: 1839 2005-12-31 12:38:01Z triathlon98 $