

coding style
to do

Possible contents of a page

~~_CAREFUL !_ This page indicates intended behaviour, not existing behaviour~~

Each page has the following structure

        <!-- page title -->
        <label name="table.Address.title">Address table</label>

<menu> <!-- These are the menu items which are "general", and are typically displayed at the left. When this section does not exists, the default menu is used. --> <menu-item> <label name="menu.gui.label">GUI</label> <caption name="menu.gui.caption">Edit base tables</caption> <help name="">This item can be used to view and edit the database</help> <icon>/admin/resources/images/gui.jpg</icon> <menu-action page="/admin/gui/"/> </menu-item> </menu>

<local-menu> <!-- The local menu is specific for the window, and has no default items. It is typically displayed at the top of the screen, below the title. --> <menu-item> <label name="menu.IndexOf.label">All tables</label> <caption name="menu.IndexOf.caption">Back to index of tables</caption> <help name="">Back to index page to view and edit the database</help> <menu-action page="index"/> </menu-item> <menu-item> <label name="menu.IndexOfAddress.label">Current table</label> <caption name="menu.IndexOfAddress.caption">Back to Address index</caption> <help name="">Back to index page to view and edit the Address table</help> <menu-action page="table_Address"/> </menu-item> </local-menu>

<content> <!-- actual content for this page --> </content> </page>

Static texts are always translated. The key which is used can be specified as "name" attribute, the default text is the value. If no key is specified, then there are two option (scrap what is not used)

  • use the text itself as key
  • the text is static (not translated).
Inside the content tag, you can add HTML, but also some more advanced constructs.
$Id: 638 2004-08-12 15:15:03Z triathlon98 $